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I had some idea that part of my family [Rosenblum] was in Poland during World War II.
Now I see the NY library has a book on Poltusk and I found some of my family members who were killed during the Holocaust. I did not not see any pictures of the people that were killed. But there was one of my grandfather's brother, Fishel ben Alter Rosenblum.  It looks like we were a semi religious family. Fishel Rosenblum in the picture had a tie. It seems we were probably what you would call Conservative.
I know my grandparents kept Shabat and Kashrut, but certainly were not obliviously religious.

Before this all I knew was that my Dad was a captain in the US Air Force flying B-29s.

I saw on a list of victims,  two families of Rosenblums that were killed in the Holocaust, Avraham and his wife Zirel and a daughter Feige, and another Rosenblum, Ben Zion with his wife Finkel and children, Mendel, David, Reishel, Roiza, Golda, Feiga.

They all must have been young because the father Avraham was one of the children of Alter.

 His father was Alter Rosenblum (1870 – 1922) and his mother was Shaindel Marcusfeld (1870-1903). 

His younger brother Yaakov was my grandfather who came to the USA right after during WWI.