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To the Gra  learning Torah means the Oral and Written Law.
That is the two Talmuds and the Mechilta, Sifra Sifri and Tosephta.
You can see this even more clearly in his disciple Chaim from Voloshin. In one letter he says אין לנו אלא דינא דגמרא. we only have the law of the Talmud when he is arguing with some rav about some decision of his.

But learning Halacha was not on the agenda of the Gra. The Gra wanted people to learn the Oral and Written Torah, and after that kabalah after they had finished the Oral Law.

What I am suggesting  is to learn like the Litvaks: Gemara Rashi Tosphot with the Rambam and Chaim Soloveitchik.
 On the side I would have a Halacha session in Rambam, Tur Beit Yoseph, Shulchan Aruch. But I would not make halacha into the main thing. In the Mir in NY halacha was a half hour in the morning compared to four hours of depth Gemara until Mincha and the 4 hours of fast Gemara in the afternoon.