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My path is a balance between different things.
I can't justify everything here right now and also I can't claim that everyone should be doing everything on my own private list.
But at least for those who are curious here is my basic list of things to do.
(1) Math or Physics session for an hour after I get up, and had coffee and tea in the same cup and folic acid.
(2) A session of Gemara (Talmud) Rashi and Tosphot with a learning partner.
(3) Music session.
(4) Rosh HaShanah  in Uman.
(5) Musar.[Jewish Ethics] That could be classical Musar or Musar from the school of thought of the Geon from Villna or his disciples. And try to fulfill what the books of Musar say to do especially the Gra. [Musar has two parts: (a) Classical Musar like the חובות לבבות Obligations of the Heart and also  (b) a Israel Salanter part that includes books of his disciples like Navardok.]

The above I do as a kind of service towards God. But sometimes there have been practical benefits  also. There was for example a time I was in the Mir in NY and was getting a monthly salary. But in general I try to intend what I do to be not for personal benefit.

Also, it seems to me that my wife, Leah came to me to NY mainly because I was at the Mir. That is I think she was attracted to me more by what I was doing [learning Torah] more than by who I am, or my personality.