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If you do any sin from the set of all sins in the Bible where it says he that does such and such will be cut off from his people, you bring a sin offering to the temple in Jerusalem. That is a she goat or a she sheep. (Leviticus 4) If you did idolatry by accident you bring only a she goat. Numbers 15
[Examples, Shabat, sex with close relations, sex with males, walking into the Temple without having gone to the mikvah and the ashes of the red heifer, eating a sacrifice before having gone to the mikvah, four kinds of service to an idol burning, pouring, sacrifice, bowing, or a service special to that idol.]

 If a person bows to a statue that he forget was an idol,  he is not liable a sin offering. What is the difference between this and if a person forgot it is the Sabbath day?

I want to answer that the difference is that Sabbath he is expected to remember from the very beginning of the week. There is a degree of liability in just forgetting Shabat all by itself and if furthermore he acts  on that forgetting then he is liable.
Idols one is supposed to forget.

In more detail here is my idea:
Abyee  and Rava argue if serving a false god from love or fear is liable. To prove his point Abyee finds any random place in the Mishna where the idea of serving an idol accidentally is liable. And he tries to go through the different possibilities what that could mean until he reaches to the point that it cant mean anything but serving a false god from love or fear. Then Rava says it means he says serving it is allowed.

Why don't Abyee and Rava both say serving a false god accidentally is the exact same case as Shabat? What is an accident on Shabat that one is liable for? He did one of the 39 types of work because he forgot it is Shabat today.
Say the same thing about idolatry. He knows idolatry is forbidden by he forgot this particular statute is an idol. An example would be when he was at the ceremony consecrating the idol but got mixed up later and forgot that he was there and thought he was at a different ceremony on the other side of town celebrating a statute built to honor a king.
That is the question my learning partner posed.
My answer is that Shabat he is expected to remember, not idols. He is not supposed to be thinking about idols all the time. So if he forgot about an idol he did a mitzvah.