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 I hate to be critical of Rav Nahman of Breslov who was great tzadik, but I think that to merit to Torah one needs to be in a Litvak Yeshiva based on the Gra. And you can see this in the writings of Rav Nahman himself who said that before Abraham anyone could come close to God. But after Avraham, one needed to come to God through the path of Avraham. Same with Isaac and Jacob. And then Moses. So after the tzadik has come into the world, the path towards God is through that tzadik. So the path of Torah is through the Gra. But one may obtain great and important advice from Rav Nahman, but to get to Torah is through the Gra.

The reason this is important is that there is something about the Litvish environment that is wholesome and clean. So even if not for oneself, it is good for one's children.