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 Wyatt Earp decided to get some "culture" , so he and his friend bought a set of Shakespeare. After some time someone asked him what he thought of Shakespeare. Answer: "That feller Hamet was sure talkative. He would not have lasted long in Kansas."

And that of course was the whole issue with Earp. When someone decided to interview him for a book of his life story Earp had only three words he would answer to any question. "Yep", "Nope", and "Don't recall."

I learned this lesson in a different way in the LeM of Rav Nahman, vol I:6 that hold that by silence one merits to his bat zivug. [soul-mate] [Not in so many words but, in a later Torah lesson he says that Torah lesson vol I:6 holds the intensions of Elul and the intensions of Elul are good for finding one's bat zivug.]