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The Closing of the American Mind

 I found high school to be extremely frustrating -as I am sure that most people do. One of the many issues was the need to be learning many subjects instead of being able to concentrate on just one. Maybe this was just a matter of growing pains. But my impression is that people ought to be able to have a certain direction without having to take extraneous subjects. 

But nowadays furthermore I think people ought to take the hint from Allan Bloom The Closing of the American Mind and simply close the social studies which have become simple propaganda. (Specifically anti America propaganda.) [This stems from the German philosophers at Columbia University that were refugees from Nazi Germany. They became the intellectual force that founded the direction of the "Education departments" in the USA. To their way of thinking unless the USA became Marxist, it was already close to Nazi Germany.] [Example: Adorno.] [This was the infamous Frankfurt school that became the birth place of postmodernism nd the Woeful Woke insanity]

Allan Bloom rightly sees the divide between the Enlightenment which formed the foundation of the USA and the anti enlightenment which was the foundation of the French Revolution. Kant iv somewhere in between but with Leonard Nelson of the New Friesian school --that puts Kant back into the  Enlightenment with its justification for faith that you see in John Locke