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Why do the righteous suffer? Is a question asked in the prophets Havakook, not just in the book of Job. But in the book of Job you get what to me looks like the answer. The three friends of Job were all rebuked by God himself there.

Why do the righteous suffer? Is a question asked in the prophets Havakook, not just in the book of Job. But in the book of Job you get what to me looks like the answer. The three friends of Job were all rebuked by God himself there. Job himself is not exactly rebuked, but God "tells him off". He asks "Who are you to judge?" But one person in the whole book gets off the hook,-- Elyihu. So what did Elyihu say different from the other three?
That one good deed outweighs a thousand sins.  Add to that sincere repentance and that seems to be enough to get a person into the Divine Light.[ Job 33]

Schopenhauer seems to have an approach in terms of the Will. Though he generally delights in the fact that we do not understand the workings of the Will, still in a late letter he indicates that there is a dimension of the Will's workings in the world that it all goes towards the good. That seems to be the approach of King David in psalms around #73

[Schopenhauer provides the metaphysics for Kelley Ross's  Kant Fries School of thought. That is largely based on Leonard Nelson for the part that is meant to answer how do we know stuff? It is known as the Friesian School or Critical school but Dr Ross really has made it into a larger structure. He uses the bricks to build his own structure.]