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There are a few valid basic interpretations of Rav Isaac Luria Ashkenazi. The Gra, the Ramhal, Rav Yaakov Abuchatzeira [grandfather of Bava Sali], and the Reshash [Shalom Sharabi]
The Ramchal has a concept that the השתלשלות  of the עולמות refers to time.
That means that Being in order to reveal itself creates and then uses time to reveal existing things.
Time is the window into existence.

[Most people know of the Ramhal [Rav Moshe Haim Luzato author or the מסילת ישרים Mesilat Yesharim]  one of the most basic and essential Musar books].
But to get attached to authentic Torah, the Avi Ezri of Rav Shach and the Gra are very important.

Reb Nahman made a point about being connected with the "authentic tzadik"--which is in fact an  insightful observation.

[Reb Nahman also had some other very important ideas like התבודדות talking with God  in one' own language as one speaks to a friend, and learning fast.]