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I don't think the Rambam would have agreed with using Hanuka as a reason not to learn Physics or Metaphysics.
He was pretty clear that learning these things is a fulfillment of the commandments to Love and fear God because they bring to an appreciation of God's wisdom that he put into his creation.

One of the lessons however he would have seen in Hanuka was not to do idolatry. That was after all the cause of the original rebellion of the Maccabees. And saying that God is contained in some person in a specific kind of way would be in his view a kind of idolatry. You can hear people saying this and yet they do not think that they are idolaters. I sometimes do not know whether I should speak up or not. While it is true that God made space and time so in one sense there is no place empty of God. But that is simply because space does not apply to him at all. His is מקומו של עולם the place of the world.