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Edward Witten's brief essay about String Theory

Edward Witten's brief essay about String Theory

I am no one to comment about this. But if you like me find this essay difficult  would like to suggest learning in chronological order. This was not always possible for me. But I found it helpful when it came to Physics and Math. That is I would start out with Calculus. Then I would work up into the 1700's with Laplace and Fourier and Lagrange. Then I would go on to Galois and the Sophus Lie.
I had done a good deal of work in Physics before I had done all this, but that was more because of lack of resources and lack of options. So I read books in Physics also, but all the time I kept in mind that I would only understand them after completing the above mentioned material.

I don't know if this is how they teach these things today but this method I found helpful for myself.