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the mother often is intent on getting her children to hate their father.

 Children of this generation have a difficulty in fulfilling the commandment of "Honor thy father and thy mother." The reason is that the mother often is intent on getting her children to hate their father. The The best way to deal with this issue I think is to determine according to objective morality , who is actually good and who is not. [The children are not asking who is without flaws. Rather they ought to ask who is lying. That often is easy to find out. [People that lie about small things will lie about larger things.]] And once they know that bit of information, it is simple to decide which parent to honor and which one to ignore.] 

For women or men with their own sorts of evil inclinations I have a recommendation. Since we all have large evil inclinations that we know are problematic and we really are not sure what to do.  My recommendation is to work on little things that you do know--like not to speak lashon hara [slander] and not to lie. I think if you hold to these two things with exactitude then that will lead many other areas getting straightened out.

Slander is as is well known forbidden to say even for truth. Obviously to lie is much worse. But even to say something true that is negative about someone you need some conditions. To have seen it yourself. To be sure it was wrong according to the Law. To intend some benefit. To rebuke the person privately. To not exaggerate. That no worse thing will be the result that if it was tried in a true court of the Law.