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See the Guide for the Perplexed: the parable about the king in his country

 In the approach of the Rambam you place Physics and Metaphysics on a higher plane than learning Gemara. You can see this in the Guide where his parable about the king in his country says this openly. [In that parable there are different levels of closeness to the king. Those outside the palace but inside the capitol city are closer than almost everyone else--except for those that are inside the palace. Those outside the palace are the Torah scholars. Those inside the palace are the Physicists. 

[The Rambam is depending on the Gemara about ר' יוחנן בן זכאי שלמד דבר גדול ודבר קטן מאי דבר גדול? מעשה מרכבה. ומאי דבר קטן ? מעשה בראשית]

But even closer to the king are the "philosophers and prophets." OK about the prophets. But philosophers? I have trouble seeing that. Philosophy today is in deep trouble. There seems to be something about philosophy that has a sort of Achilles heel. Physics I think the best way of learning this mainly saying the words and going on. But also some time one should do review.