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[Without Musar, it is easy to get side tracked. And even with Musar, it is easy to get side tracked. But to go wrong is easier without Musar, ]

Even though I had  a lot of benefit by learning the particular path of Musar (Ethics) of Navardok (which is trust in God), I have to mention that there were  few different schools of thought that came from Rav Israel Salanter like Slobodka (which is about the greatness of Man). Each of his disciples had a different approach. And from what I learned, each has something important to add. [The main ones were Rav Isaac Blazer (fear of God), and Rav Simcha Zisel of Kelm.] There was a different emphasis in each school.  With Isaac Blazer there was the emphasis on Fear of God. Simcha Zisel's emphasis was on order.  But the core and essence of Musar was always good character traits. And the idea there is that good character is the essence and goal of Torah.  And how to define good character is the clarity of the medieval books of Musar. 

What I found most beneficial (for me ) was to go through all the basic books of Musar of the Middle Ages along with the books of the disciples of Rav Israel Salanter. 

[Without Musar, it is easy to get side tracked. And even with Musar, it is easy to get side tracked. But to go wrong is easier without Musar. And when I say "side tracked", I mean that as an understatement. For some reason God, blessed me with great parents and teachers, But I realize that not everyone has that, so all the more so is Musar important. [אורחות צדיקים, שערי תשובה, מסילת ישרים ,מעלות המידות, חובות הלבבות]  [Obligations of the Heart. Gates of Repentance, Ways of the Righteous, ...]