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The white race is on a race towards mass suicide. Sometimes self defense is the only defense.

It occurred to me that WWII was also a kind of attempt to stamp out the USA and Democracy. I mean to say that the USA was smack in the middle between Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. So I am thinking that Japan and Germany must have been planning on coming in from both sides and taking over.

So now it seems there is a similar attempt to take over. But this time the enemies are in the gates, not at the gates.
How did the situation get so dire? One one hand there seems to be the lemming effect, the white race is on a race towards mass suicide.

While on one hand I was always profoundly grateful for being born in the USA. Yet right in the USA itself I noticed there were lots of people that had a profound hatred of everything American. Whatever the USA has done in history or today to them was always wrong. And they will side with any enemy of the USA.

So what is a possibility?

The answer I think can be seen in the American War of Independence, when Americans took up arms to protect themselves and their homes. Sometimes self defense is the only defense. [Especially now that the police simply find a place to park outside the local donut shop and wait out their shift.]

So if Antifa stand in front of your car to stop you, step on the gas and accelerate.