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The yarzeit of the wife of Rav Shach was the 18 of Shevat- I just discovered. He attributes the merit of all his learning to the fact that she took care if the parnasa [making a living] aspect of life.
This to me is kind of a reminder that when one is involved in learning Torah, it makes a lot of sense to marry as the sages said "bat talmid chacham". i.e. someone that appreciates what you are doing.
[It does not help if she says that she appreciates it. Rather she actually has to be someone that has real self sacrifice for Torah --no matter what.]
[And so you see there were people like Rav Shach that learned Torah for its own sake. Not for money.]

[I am not sure what to do if you are in a situation when there is no one to a marry except a non "bat talmid chacham." No everyone can marry the daughter of the rosh yeshiva.

[At the Mir in NY, this issue did not come up. Most people including me were just interested in learning Torah, and more or less went with the idea of trust in God --to help with making a living after getting married. So far I have not heard of anyone starving to death because of learning Torah.] [My own experience was such that as long as I trusted in God things went OK. But instantly when I decided to start making money that is when I lost everything. If that is not a lesson I do not what is.]