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The basic problem that Rav Nahman of Breslov refers to in terms of Torah Scholars that are demons is not easy to understand in today's terminology. No one really thinks that anyone walking around is actually a demon in disguise. But that might be more of a problem with modern thinking more than with Rav Nahman. And in fact modern world view change every ten years. For example Freud used to be thought to be obvious and common sense. Now totally discredited. Existentialism also was the big thing. Now obsolete.

השמטות של שמואל הורוויץ [the left out portions of the Life of Rav Nahman] were not ever included in the Chayee Moharan as being Not Politically Correct. But there you can find signs of how to tell.[So it is not just up to your own discretion. Rather Rav Nahman did give more details--but until now have not been widely known.]

There was in fact never done a thoroughly academic version of any of the books of Rav Nahman and so grave mistakes have been made by people that published them. [Mistakes that were not done by intention but still drastically grievous.]

Avi Preder [part of the Na Nach group] and David Bronson [in Uman] are more "in the know" but most in Breslov have not done the research to be able to tell.