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ליקוטי מוהר''ן חלק א' סימן ח': אך דע שיש רב דקליפה והוא בחינת עשו כמו שכתוב בעשו יש לי רב והוא בחינת אלופי עשו וכמו שתרגם אונקלוס רברבי עשו בחינת הרב דקליפה s it says in Genesis that Esau said "I have a rav." And that is on the level of the leaders of Esau.

Spiritual leaders get a negative review in the major book of Rav Nahman from Breslov.
This is scattered throughout the ליקוטי מוהר''ן. And I have known this for while but now that I have access to the book of Rav Nahman I think I should write down a few of his comments. and then translate.
[Volume II:8] כי כשמתקרבין חס ושלום  למנהיג של שקר על ידי זה באין חס ושלום לאמונות כזביות כי מנהיג של שקר הוא בחינת נהיא השקר
"When people  come close to a spiritual leader who is a lie, by that they come to false beliefs. for a spiritual leader who is a lie has the very essence of the false prophets."
[This problem was clearly a large concern of Rav Nahman because it comes up so often in the ליקוטי מוהר''ן. Today the problem was just gotten worse.]

[I have mentioned before that this also comes up in the Talmud and the Ari. However nowadays you do not hear about it much except from the Na Nach group.]

[That is the from very last Torah lesson that Rav Nahman ever said during his lifetime.]

But to go in order here is his statement in [I:8] ליקוטי מוהר''ן חלק א' סימן ח': אך דע שיש רב דקליפה והוא בחינת עשו כמו שכתוב בעשו יש לי רב והוא בחינת אלופי עשו וכמו שתרגם אונקלוס רברבי עשו בחינת הרב דקליפה
"Know that there is a rav of the kelipa and he is the essence of Esau [the brother of Jakob], as it says in Genesis that Esau said "I have a rav." And that is on the level of the leaders of Esau.

Then later in I:12
ולבן הוא תלמיד חכם שד יהודי [עיין זוהר שמות ג: פנחס דף רי''ז] שתורתו להתיהר ולקנטר  ותלמיד חכם כזה נבלה טובה הימנו
Laban was a Torah scholar who was a demon, for his Torah was to brag and argue, and  on a scholar like that it says "" dead meat is better than him."

If someone would have the time it would be a good idea to collect all the statements in the sages of the Talmud חז''ל that also warn about this problem.