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People get a feeling of holiness and power [numinousity]  from all kinds of different sources.For this reason learning Torah is important. That is so that one gets accustomed to receiving this numinous power from a source of holiness. Or it also is good to be connected with a tzadik [saint] who is connected to Torah.

This is a large subject. To some degree Allen Bloom goes into it in his book The Closing of the American Mind. [I used to have a link to it on one of my blogs, but it should be fairly easy to find. It is the most important book in Philosophy of the 20th century.]

He makes the point there that religious groups were considered as bad things by the founders of the USA. They wanted to make religion unimportant. I imagine they were not thinking of what could serve as a substitute. Clearly politics did and still does replace religion as  a source of that feeling of power and purpose. But if they were thinking in those terms seems doubtful to me.

But there can be many other sources from which people derive their feelings about the meaning of life. E.g., Muslims get their feeling about the purpose of life from murder. This gives them a feeling of numinousity and value for their lives. Others get this from sex and sexual issues.

For all these and many other reasons I think learning Torah is highly undervalued. For learning Torah directs a person's feelings of direction and purpose towards a holy source.

The theory here is actually very simple. Picture  a clock.  From 6:00 to 12:00 are values starting from all form and no content to all content and no form. But for every area of value there is an opposite place of the clock that is an opposite value. A value of the Sitra Achra--the Dark Side.
See this link for more detail: Origin of Value.

I could go on, but it is best to look at that Origin of Value thesis by Dr. Kelley Ross.

[To get some background about the Origin of Value you need to know a bit of Kant. For a good introduction to Kant see Mattey's lectures on Kant]  I should mention say my small knowledge of Kant comes from the two great encyclopedias, the  Stanford encyclopedic of Philosophy and also the Internet encyclopedia of Philosophy and also reading Kant in German. (I had to read him in German because I could not understand the English translations.) [If anyone has ever read Kant in English and understood him please raise your hand. No? I thought so.]

Music for the glory of God


One major critique of Lithuanian yeshivas is the problem of emphasis on status. Also there tends to be forgotten why we are learning Torah. These are at least two of the complaints that I have heard and I think they are accurate. But to upgrade yeshivas seems impossible. All attempts to modernize and make them more relevant or more spiritual results in the creation of cults.

The first thing that happens when one gets interested in Torah is he of she is confronted by various cults that represent themselves as teaching authentic Torah. Because of this danger it is almost better not to teach Torah at all and not to try to bring people to Torah. The problem is that Torah has become contaminated.  While one thinks he is learning Torah and doing more in terms of mitzvot on the side he is losing his humanity and his soul and getting involved in sexual sins that he would not normally be doing. So the problem of cults in the Torah world is more than just serious. It almost makes it better not to keep Torah at all.

But what I suggest is to first get rid of the cults, and then in fact come to Torah authentic Torah.

The  challenge is to come up with an approach to Torah  that can both enter into the theater of historical change, as did Stoicism or Marxism, and at the same time provide a genuine alternative to a hopeless historical oscillation between an essentially sterile scientific universe of atoms and the void and  religious fanaticism and repression. If what is lacking in the scientific worldview is the dimension of value, and if what constitutes religious oppression is the imposition of a dogmatic system of value, then clearly what we must originate is a positive, constructive  discipline of value.-and to be rid of the negative destructive cults.

Whether learning authentic Torah is equal to this is not an abstract puzzle for a distracted few.

Reflection gives rise to fundamental questions about our very existence and purpose in life. Such reflection is not  idle curiosity: Most people that come to Torah come not through the traditional awe and wonder, but out of the perplexity and pain that inevitably disillusion us with the innocent confidence in the world we so often begin life by having. Torah is the attempt to deal with  solitary unhappiness with the blank mystery, the cruel fates, the tragic good intentions, and the bittersweet beauty  in the world.
It is the beginning is of self-discovery of doubt and ignorance.


Music for the Glory of God.

(1) People give up learning the natural sciences for bad reasons. They think they need some kind of extra special talent.  Or they think they are too hard. Or they don't see a numinous reason. There is however one good reason. They have bad parents. Bad parents make it nearly impossible to get anywhere in life. Also bad genes are a factor. But bad genes still don't cancel free will.

(2) In any case as for the major difficulties that people have I want to say that the way of learning of the Talmud Shabat page 63a say the words and go on even if you do not understand is helpful. That is to say and words in order and go on. And don't worry about understanding until you have finished the book four times.

(3) As for the numinous aspect Maimonides deals with that in the Guide +  gives good reasons to realize there is a hidden kind of luminosity and numinosity inside the natural sciences.

(4) ראשית חכמה יראת השם The beginning of wisdom is the fear of God. So before and after one learns the natural sciences and or Torah and Talmud he should learn Musar. [Medieaval Ethics.]  Or the books based on Medieval Ethics from the disciples of Israel Salanter.

To help people is not by giving them money or products. It is by giving them fear of God and good character traits. And within the Rambam point of view natural sciences the thing that brings to fear of God because of one getting a grasp and awe of his amazing wisdom that is a part of his  Creation.

(5) Fear of God however is not easy to find. Where you would except to find it is always the place of the greatest evil. To find the real thing takes a great deal of skill and subtlety and awareness of the frauds and fakers.