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 q30 midi file [q30 nwc]  [q30 mp3]This is not recent. It was written in 2015.I have decided to go back and look at old files to share. [I have not been writing anything new. Regrettably] r77 midi file  [r77 nwc]

Gemara in Nida4side b. I was at the sea yesterday and there were a whole bunch of people that seemed to me to have that sense and aroma of Torah to be Litvaks

 I was at the sea yesterday and there were a whole bunch of people that seemed to me to have that sense and aroma of Torah to be Litvaks and so I asked. They said they were. We got into a  discussion and I said I often think about some difficult sugia/subject in Rav Shach while at the sea --but that I was ready to give up on that one I was thinking about for a while laws of what makes a bed and chair unclean 3:7 and laws of forbidden relations 9:3. Then somehow today it suddenly hit me.

It is this the Gemara in Nida4 side b says a stain is unclean retroactively because when she has a cycle sees actual blood not at the time of her cycle, she is unclean retro actively 24 hours. Rav Shach asked "what is the connection". I repeated this question on my blog without mentioning Rav Shach because at that time I had no idea what Rav Shach was saying at all. Now I not only see that this was in fact his question but I see his answer also. And here it is: There are two decrees. One is for a stain. Without a decree this would not even indicate anything because blood does not make a woman unclean unless it come with sensation. So just finding a stain would be nothing. So now we have a decree. But that is a decree that a stain is like seeing. And now we understand the Gemara in nida that ties seeing not at the time of her cycle with a stain. The reasoning is this: when she sees not at the regular time she is unclean back in time 24 hours and now that there is such a thing as being retroactively unclean by seeing actual blood it is therefore possible t make a decree that a stain also should have a law of being unclean retro actively. And that is 24 hours if she sees the stain not at the time of her cycle, and furthermore it goes back to the last time she checked even  more than 24 hours if she has no cycle at all.  

What got me confused was this last point, When is the stain a 24 hour thing and when does it go back further until the last time she checked.


There are two תקנות. One is for a stain. Without a decree this would not even indicate anything because blood does not make a woman unclean unless it come with sensation. So just finding a stain would be nothing. So now we have a decree. But that is a decree that a stain is like seeing. And now we understand the גמרא נידה that ties seeing not at the time of her cycle with a stain. The reasoning is this: when she sees not at the regular time she is unclean back in time 24 hours and now that there is such a thing as being retroactively unclean by seeing actual blood it is therefore possible  make a decree that a stain also should have a law of being unclean retroactively. And that is 24 hours if she sees the stain not at the time of her cycle, and furthermore it goes back to the last time she checked even  more than 24 hours if she has no cycle at all. 

יש שתי תקנות. אחת היא עבור כתם. בלי גזירה זה אפילו לא היה מעיד על שום דבר כי דם אינו מטמא אישה אלא אם כן בא בתחושה. אז רק למצוא כתם לא יהיה כלום. אז עכשיו יש לנו גזירה. אבל זו גזירה שכתם הוא כמו לראות. ועתה אנו מבינים את הגמרא נידה שקושרת לראות שלא בשעת מחזורה בכתם. הנימוק הוא כזה: כשהיא לא רואה בזמן הקבוע היא טמאה אחורה בזמן 24 שעות ועכשיו כשיש דבר כזה שטמאה רטרואקטיבית בראיית דם ממש אפשר אפוא לגזור שגם לכתם צריך להיות דין טמא למפרע. וזה 24 שעות אם היא רואה את הכתם לא בזמן המחזור, ועוד זה חוזר לפעם האחרונה שהיא בדקה אפילו יותר מ-24 שעות אם אין לה מחזור בכלל.

[Of course, you can imagine I was thrilled to see people following the Gra and Rav Shach. Their yeshiva is on that path because the rosh yeshiva is a student from Ponovitch. [And maybe a direct student of Rav Shach also. I did not get that part clear.]]

 נפשו קשורה בנפשו that one person's soul can be connected to the soul of another person. This is a verse by Yaakov and Joseph. The fault is in that we have not valued this connection. Our mind have gotten in the way of our hearts.

In the West, this spiritual connection between fathers and sons is disparaged to the degree that ever father is portrayed in movies as evil.

I asked my learning partner what I can do for my children.

 I asked my learning partner what I can do for my children. He suggested a Torah lesson in the book of Rav Nahman that says when the father repents on his sins, that sends thoughts of repentance into his children. And I am a sure that is true. But I would like to make a different suggestion that is based on the idea that the environment is important. This was an idea I saw --I forget where, but I think it was Socrates. The best thing one can do for his children is to make sure they grow in a decent society.

[I can see now that my leaving Mir [one of the greatest Litvak Yeshivot] was in a decision that was somewhat irresponsible. I might have been enthusiastic about Breslov, but I guess it never occurred to me that the straight wholesome Torah path of the Mir  [or any Litvak Yeshiva] would have been better. Could I not see the difference? This of course does not imply any disparagement of Rav Nahman himself, but Breslov is quite different. 

Normal white people are blamed for all the world's troubles

You can see that the South was right now that the blacks are taking revenge by trying to destroy the white race. This is exactly what the South predicted would happen. And I saw this a long time ago. The way things are in the USA, normal white people are blamed for all the world's troubles. How long will it take to then decide to get rid of them?

Still I must add here that the South must follow Robert E. Lee to the letter of what he said after the war: "We are all Americans." A woman who had lost her husband during the war had brought her two sons to the College where RE Lee was the president. He told he she must not instill a spirit of grievance towards the government of the USA,-- because, "We are all Americans."

I should mention that I understand one important idea of Robert E. Lee. It was if one is retreating, always make sure that  your flank is stronger than at the actual battle. You see this at Gettysburg. Even at the retreat, General Meade knew not to attack Lee when he was retreating because he could see that Lee already had strong defensive positions in the hills sides to cover the retreat. At Antietam you see the same thing. Though McClellan was sacked because of not stopping the Confederate retreat, the fact is the north did attack and was welcomed by a hail of bullets that one Northern writer said that he had never seen the likes of. The air was thick with bullets.  The South was even more dangerous in retreat than in battle.   


 Nixon  said Americans believe what they see on TV.  [Not what they see with their own eyes.]This might be compared to philosophers who spend a lot of time reading. They tend to get absorbed in that world of ideas and forget about the actual world.

But when I say in psalms "to speak of the wonders of God" I always think that the way God created the world -the amazing depths of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, etc. are all part of God's wisdom. 

In Physics you learn that no matter how logical a theory is, if it does not match reality, then it is wrong. Philosophers do not have to worry about that. 

j76 music file

 j76 I just found this gem in my old files from around 2006 [I imagine that I just wrote these pieces and then forgot about them. That is why I never shared them with anyone until now. 

And another: j78 midi file

and another j80

j83 j86 j89 l43 k16  r53 [This is from the r series.] n35 n47

e61 mp3 n96 mp3