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e69 midi file [e69 mp3] [e69 nwc format]written in Uman  right before I came to Israel for a year in Netivot I kind of regret that in my learning session with David Bronson we stopped in towards the end of Bava Metzia page 116. I was really hoping to get to page 119 with him because of the astounding fact that he could see into the depths of the sugia almost without trying. page 119 is important because there is the argument about דורשין טעמה דקרא  We go by the reason for the law, not the literal meaning of the words. And even though I was able to learn what Rav Shach had to say about that subject in the Avi Ezri, I still believe that if I merited to learn that subject with Bronson, I would have seen the almost infinite depth in Tosphot. [And also the next page with those important Tosphot.] חבל על דאבדין It is upsetting to lose ideas and understanding of the depths of those sugiot/subjects that I could have learned and shared with others.