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When you go to a Litvak yeshiva the first thing that happens is someone asks you to complete some minyan somewhere near by. Or they need you for some other purpose.

Many people including myself wonder if we are required to interrupt our studies for such a thing.

Rav Ovadia Joseph was asked in a more general vein about yeshiva students going to Meron on Lag Be'Omer. [He answered in the negative.]

The way I would look at this would be from the standpoint of halacha. מצווה שאי אפשר לעשות על ידי אחרים מבטלים בשבילה

But what people are really wondering about is this: Is there a specific advantage to pray in a yeshiva as opposed to a a synagogue. I would say that today most yeshivas are places of the Dark Side. The pretend to be places of Torah but most often are places of worship of some dead person. But if in fact you have in your area an authentic Lithuanian yeshiva then by all means I would say to pray there on Rosh Hashana at almost all cost.

 yeshiva meaning a place where people learn Talmud Rashi and Tosphot all day.