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I saw a fellow that was learning Torah.. But it did not look like he was doing it for show. Nor was he getting paid. I thought it looked unusual enough for me to ask him what he was doing. He said he has this session in Bava Kama of doing a 1/2 a page per day [That is called an Amud in Hebrew] with Tosphot and the Shita Mekubetzet.

OK I let it go. Then after a few days I saw him again and my curiosity was bugging me to ask what was going on. So I walked up to him again and said, "You must have learned in some Lithuanian Yeshiva."
He said, "No."
And I was shocked. Because Torah for its own sake you simply can't find outside of  a Litvak yeshiva. So I kept on probing until I found out that he started learning Torah about six years ago and and the person that he came to Torah with was in the Slobadka Yeshiva. Mystery solved.

For the general public let me just say Slobadka was a Musar Yeshiva in Europe that now is in Tel Aviv. It is Pure Litvak.

 there is no way one can learn Torah for its own sake [without pay] unless he or she is somehow connected with the Gra.