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(1) You have in Hegel a metaphysical system of the world. And I suppose that is what attracts people to Hegel more than to Kant.  Yet there are problems in Hegel as noted by Schopenhauer.
But his system still remains attractive I think because there are not many rivals.
You do have mystics but people in general need more to go on that the approach of mystics which is to say "Take my word for it," with nothing else to back it up. Hegel at least has philosophical arguments to back him up.

(2) A rival of Hegel is the Ari (Isaac Luria). The interest of people in metaphysics attracts people to his system which is sophisticated to a high degree but also highly mystical and not backed by rational arguments.

(3) The truth be told their systems are not all that different. Especially if you go with the approach of the Reshash (Shalom Sharabi).

(4) However, the amount of pernicious and downright lunatic doctrines that have been written and based on these two figures is enormous.

(5) When the Rambam recommended metaphysics he was  talking about the metaphysics of the ancient Greeks--the pre Socratics, Plato, and above all Aristotle. Neither the Hegelian system nor the Kabalah was intended by the Rambam.[As he wrote in the Intro to the Guide.]

(6) The amount of trouble caused by people going along with Hegel or the holy Ari makes me think that perhaps it is best to stick with what the Rambam said and take his word for it. That is if you want to learn Metaphysics--the deep structure of reality, then stick with Plato and Aristotle.

(7) I don't mean to sound critical of the Ari. It is just that his system tends to get people side tracked from Torah and into all kinds of rubbish.
(8) You could say that you would learn only the straight Ari and Kabalah that has not been "Lunaticed" or Lunazied. But I don't if that helps. Even if you are strict to learn only authentic kabalah, the effect still seems to be to get people side tracked. [That is they get off the path of leading a balanced, moral life. In any case we know people that learn Kabalah for some reason seem to get an overdose of Kelipot [Dark Forces] and people that learn Hegel fall in love with totalitarian systems and start seeing all human relationships as a tug of war between enemies. In Hegel there is no room for love or human friendships.]
 The reason seems to be that it is not really סודות התורה secrets of the Torah. It is a commentary on Torah based on certain ideas in the Kabalah of the Middle Ages. Nothing wrong with that. But that does not make the secrets of the Torah. מעשה מרכבה ומעשה בראשית are something completely different than the Kabalah to the opinion of the Rambam.

(9) I have not seen anyone involved in Kabalah that did not imagine themselves to have "spiritual powers."