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It is Elul and probably a lot of people are thinking about how to repent on their sins. OK may one or two. I have given this some thought and I want to suggest as a first step to learn Musar. These are books of classical ethics  from Middle Ages. And if possible to make houses of Musar so as to help others have a situation where they can also learn Musar. [Repentance of the Sitra Achra--the Dark Side--should be avoided. It happens that most people that repent mainly replace one set of sins with another.]

The idea here is that in the long run we will be held responsible for our actions before God. The grave will not be a refuge. And the one thing that effects our actions more than anything else is our attitudes and world view. If we can correct our world view to be in accord with God's will then we stand a better chance that our deeds and what we say will be correct.

Musar --I have to mention--is two part. One is the Middle Ages. The other is from the time of Israel Salanter and his close disciples. The basic ones were Simcha Zisel of Kelm, Isaac Blazer, Naphtali Amsterdam. A later addition was Joseph Horvitz from Navardok.  There was also the Altar of Slobodka who I know little about. Each wrote and their writings are very important. For Elul I suggest getting all the basic books of Musar and going through them--every last one.

Besides that I have decided for myself to take note of things that I am pretty sure fall into the category of major mistakes--or sins. That is,-- things that I am pretty sure that God [the Will] got mad at me for.
To concentrate on things I know I did wrong I believe is a great way to concentrate on doing repentance. So I suggest that if you can find in your life some things that you are relatively sure that God got mad at you for,  then you have something you can focus your energy on correcting.

If you don't think you have any sins, then your are probably in worse trouble than you think.

The Medieaval books are the Duties of the Heart, The Paths of the Just, Gates of Repentance, and others.