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In my first yeshiva, the Rosh Yeshiva and his son, Moti, emphasized learning in depth and review..
 I had a kind of mental battle with this, because I wanted to make "progress."

To me it made no sense to sit on one page of Talmud for two weeks at a time when I had not finished even one tractate!

Now however I see the wisdom of their approach.  I have seen a lot of people that learn fast and learn a lot, --but can't "learn." That is they have no understanding of what is going on in any Tosphot or Gemara or even halachah.
 In any case, I did try to make progress along with doing sessions in depth. What I found helpful at the beginning of my studies was doing each little paragraph in the Pnei Yehoshua about 10 or more times. And I recommend this to others  that are at the beginning of their learning. [This is of course only if you are not in a situation where you can hear a class from an authentic Lithuanian Rosh Yeshiva. But there are not many of these authentic types around except in NY, and in a few places in Israel like Ponovitch or Brisk.

This ten times each Pnei Yehoshua approach is a good introduction to learning. But the best thing is to have a decent Rosh Yeshiva or at least a good learning partner. If you can't find this, then at least get yourself a Pnei Yehoshua, the חידושי הרמב''ם by Reb Chaim Soloveitchik, and the Avi Ezri by Rav Elazar Menachem Shach.  Of these three the last is the best --by far.

There is a lesson here for STEM people also. At least for myself I have found that two sessions are helpful in math and physics. One an in depth session. I try to find some core subject and review a section ten or more times. And I also have a fast session where I just say the words and go on.

There is also a lesson here for Jews and Christians. It is important for everyone to have a good idea of what the Torah is about. It does not matter what religion you are. No issues facing Americans today would not even begin to be issues if people learned Gemara. Nothing would be left unsolved.
Issues like the second amendment would be clear. Everyone  has a right to self defense. The homosexuals would be put it their place. Right to private property would be clear, And many other issues also. [No one would vote for a slave to become the president Woe to the land for whom its king is a slave.]

There is also a modern day problem associated with my advice to find an authentic Rosh Yeshiva. The sad truth is most are not authentic. Most are frauds and it is a mitzvah to let people know about this.  Certainly people that have not learned in an authentic Lithuanian yeshiva can't learn.  And if they can't learn but pretend to be talmidei chachamim then they are by definition liars. But there are many who have been in a Litvak Yeshiva but still can't learn and don't have Torah values.
The insane religious world  often pretends to be Torah scholars. And this gives a bad reputation to authentic Torah scholars.
מפרסמים את החנפים מפני חילול השם