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I am thinking that Communism is really not gone. It seems to me that democracy is hanging on by a thread. I think the president of the USA despises the USA and is working as hard as possible to destroy it.

I am saying this now because by government regulation of the Internet soon I will not be able to say anything.

 To my way of thinking Karl Popper already said it all in his Open Society and its Enemies. Who are the enemies of the open society today? The President of the USA, Muslims,  Social Studies departments in Universities.

 If you are living in one of the few areas where you can still say your opinions in pubic without fear, and your property rights are respected  and you live free, then enjoy your freedom while it lasts. Better yet. Learn Torah. The Oral and written Law. Where there is Torah there is freedom. חירות על הלחות
"Freedom was written on the Two Tablets."

These enemies of freedom ought to step back and consider the damage they are doing. That is: they ought to repent, because their actions in stamping out freedom and Democracy if successful will have dire ramifications for all future generations.