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Litvak Yeshiva World follows the Gra to some degree

 My recommendation in terms of the Gra are to follow his approach in several areas 1. Learning bekiut (saying the words in order ) of all the books of the Written and Oral Torah (the two Talmuds and all the Midrashim) and iyun of the Achronim from Reb Chaim of Brisk until Rav Shach.  2. The famous herem (excommunication) 3. The study of the seven wisdoms. 4. Trust in God for all things spiritual and physical.  Trust without effort for parnasa [money]. 5.Coming to the Land of Israel. 6. Make sure before you get married that you will learn TORAH at all cost lishma (i.e., for no money), and will never compromise on this for any reason what-so-ever. If she wants to leave because of that, then good riddance.

Even though the Litvak (Lithuanian) Yeshiva World follows the Gra to some degree, but not to depend on that for any kind of example. After all, if Torah is the standard, then volunteering for IDF on the first day of the war ought to have happened without any prompting, [not to fight the draft at all cost]. 

Also I should mention that I think some of the Seven Wisdoms that the Gra mentioned have made advances since the time of the Ancient Greeks.   Thus one  should not be restricted to Aristotle in these subjects.