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marriage laws-- worship of women that puts men as their slaves is idolatry.

  This approach of men not marrying is because of marriage laws that encourage women to do wrong. This problem could be solved if women and men accepted their respective roles as given in the Torah. That is the man learns Torah and trusts in God for parnasa [a living] and the wife stays home.

I am not saying not to work as you see in the Le,M of Rav Nahman [Breslov] that work can also be service of God. ''By the 39 types of work one awakens the letters of the work of Creation.'' And as Rav Nachman said twice in the Le.M, ''It is possible to serve God through everything.'' In particular, nowadays there is a mitzvah to serve in the IDF.

But the important thing about learning Torah is that it requires a commitment to the degree that even if people disagree--, you still stick with it. That means even if one's own wife demands that you give it up and find a job, you stick with it anyway. [If she leaves because her husband wants to learn Torah for its own sake, then good riddance. ] Not only that, but also if the whole community disagrees with it and throws you out because you are learning Torah for its own sake, you still stick with it. Only that degree of commitment brings to success in learning and keeping Torah. [If one can give up one's values because of the demands of others, then he never had any values in the first place.]

I might mention here that the best way to get through Shas is to do a half page per day with Tosphot and Maharsha. Doing a whole pg. seems to me to be too much to do with Tosphot and Maharsha. Besides that to get through the basic Achronim, the Avi Ezri, Reb Chaim's Chidushei haRambam, etc. 

I may not mention it much, but I also think the Ari and Shalom Sharbi [Reshash] are good to learn if one has been through shas twice.

In the Zohar is brought that when R. Shimon bar Yochai saw beautiful women he said the verse, ''Do not turn to the idols.'' THUS worship of women that puts men as their slaves is idolatry.