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Lashon Hara, [slander, or even saying what is true about others unless 7 conditions are satisfied.]

 There is a lot of stuff going on in the world which i would write about but for the problem of lashon hara [slander]. And this is a delicate issue because of the severity of the issue. I might be required to warn someone about hanging out with the wrong sorts of friends, but if my words are not accepted --,is that lashon hara?

And the whole issue  tend to be forgotten on the larger scale. So I try to mention only the positive things that I and  others ought to concentrate on--learning Torah "beiyun" in depth with lots of review. Going through the Gemara with Tosphot, Maharsha, Hidushei Reb Chaimof Brisk, Mathematics Physics, exercise, coming to Israel etc. 

i mean to say, if you are careful about Lahon Hara, what else is there to do but to learn Torah?

[7 conditions: for benefit, not to cause more harm than what would be in a court, to see it yourself, to not judge it except by the law of the Torah and not to rush to judgment, to rebuke beforehand, no other way to reach that benefit.]