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 I have been thinking about my son Izhak and thought about how the story of Henry II relates to this. For when Henry II realized when he was losing everything that it was the blood of Thomas Becket that was crying out from the grave that was the root cause. So it is with all of us that Izhak was asking help, and no one wanted to help.

But there is also the importance of learning the valuable lessons of his life. For myself  I would like to concentrate on learning in depth that he emphasized. I would also like to set time to go through the two Talmuds with the basic commentaries and midrash, but at this point in time that does not seem to be of immediate possibility.]   [Why is learning Torah important? You can see the reason in the Yerushalmi כל חפצים לא ישוו בה  all the mizvot are  not equal to [even] one word of Torah, [chapter I of Peah]. I put in the extra word ''even'']

[I should also add that Physics and Metaphysics is a part of learning the Oral Law as Ibn Pakuda hints to and the Rambam write openly in the Yad (Mishne Tora) and the Guide.]