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Ramchal (Rav Moshe Haim Luzato) author of one of the four classical Musar [ethics] books, the Mesilat Yesharim

 I have been thinking about the Ramchal (Rav Moshe Haim Luzato). He was one of the greats before the time of the Gra, and the Gra said that if he would have been alive during his lifetime, he would have walked all the way to Italy just to see him. As is well known, he wrote one of the four classical Musar [ethics] books, the Mesilat Yesharim, and lots of other books. [Some more along mystic lines, and others philosophical. All this is well known. But one thing I thought to bring out is that he had a disciple who also wrote what amounts to almost a whole encyclopedia [along the lines of the Ramchal]. I only saw it once in Netivot in the Yemani beit midrash. Apparently it was only printed once in a limited edition. I think that along with all the writings of the Ramchal would make an important addition to the learning of Musar nowadays. 

[I admit to not being able to get through the Ramchal's books except two. While at the Mir Yeshiva most of my time was in Gemara, with the basic commentaries of the  Maharsha and Pnei Yehoshua. There was only a very limited time for Musar.]