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 I think "woke-ism"is on a mission to wipe out the white race from the face of the planet.  This is upsetting to me because I have great admiration for Western Civilization. [And I guess I have a certain compassion for others.] Nor do I see other cultures as being superior. On one hand I have always had great admiration for the Indians of the USA  in terms of the living off the land, and being in harmony with nature, but I also am aware of their wars one with another. [I tried recently to get an idea of the history of Ohio Indians.] I just do not see the way of painting everyone not white as lily white,- and all whites as black as demons  as being accurate. 

In fact I see everything about woke-ism as having one single objective that is approached from many different angles. First the perversion of Western Civilization, then the enslavement of the white race, then the final eradication of the white race as the final step..