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The Social Studies departments and so called Humanities are failures and should be shuddered up.

 The government in the USA has always bounced back and forth around a middle point. It tends towards the middle. Thus during the Civil War it went from Jeffersonian  to Federal Authority of Hamiltonian.

Thus it sees to me to be the case today. To paint it as radical communism or Right seems to be inaccurate,.

This is characteristic of the England where the powers of king or lords went back and forth with the people as the arbitrators. This is unlike systems where only the rule of the emperor mattered. I.e. this type of balanced system is characteristic of Anglo Saxon DNA.

So the question is can a system born from English DNA absorb foreign DNA? Or how much is too much? My grandparents came over from the Old Country at a time when the USA I think was free--not "socialist". Would they come over now? I am not sure. Certainly they would never have let my parents or me in a public school with the garbage they are teaching nowadays.

So while all these  are important issues and questions that are unresolved, I think one thing is clear. Allan Bloom was right. {Closing of the American Mind.} The Social Studies departments and so called Humanities are failures and should be shuddered up.