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 Dr Kelley Ross suggested that the reason the Left is rioting and burning American cities is the same kind of reasoning that led to the Tet Offense in the Vietnam War. That is, the Left feels if they can bring enough violence and chaos to American cities then people will vote for them just in order to stop the violence.

But my question is if this can work in the USA in the same way that it worked in Vietnam? After all Americans might resent being used in that kind of way. They might vote for President Trump just to show they are not afraid of the riots. This has happened before. People have sometimes attacked the USA thinking people would just give up. But after being attacked that American DNA was awakened that holds freedom dear. 

[The Tet Offensive was an attack on South  Vietnam that was meant to weaken support of American troops and the S. Vietnam government. And this strategy worked in the USA also. Immediately after the rioting stated, support for President Trump went down to  ziltch. But the question is that now American might  be getting tired of the violence and want to return to stability. So support for Trump has risen again. That is in the hope that he can bring stability and prosperity.]