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"Warn the people not to come up onto Mount Sinai, least God attacks them."

 There is a sort of aspect of the religious world that is kind of like ריבוי אור excess light. Aspects that make it like Adi Da or Scientology.  Rav Nahman brings this idea in terms of individuals אל יעלו בהר פן יפרוץ בם This is what God told Moses, "Warn the people not to come up onto Mount Sinai, least  God attacks them."

But this applies as well and even more so the the superorganism of the religious world. Even when there is an attempt to pay attention to great tzadikim like the Gra or Rav Shach, there still enters this aspect of insanity that comes in. It is hard to know what to make of this.

But even with this danger, still I think there ought to be  a beit midrash on the name of the Gra in every city. Plus a branch of Ponovitch.