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battle and war for the soul of the USA

What is going on in the USA is that there is already a change of regime. You might be confused when the Left demands there be no police. That sounds like no law and order. But that is not it at all. The Left does have a police, that is the mobs destroying white people and business. The mob is their police. But not just the mob. Already they own the judges and courts and even the Supreme Court. So in essence the battle and war for the soul of the USA is lost. If a white person defends his or her life, they are guilty of assault. Anything any white person  says is easily dismissed instantly with four words "You are a racist."

In terms of a plan of action, my recommendation is to learn Torah [especially the Avi Ezri of Rav Shach] and to trust in God.

I think things would never have gotten this far if people had learned Torah. Marxism could never have even gotten started if people had been aware of the commandments "Thou shalt not steal" and "Thou shalt not covet." [And if you learn even one page of Bava Metzia it is impossible to miss this.]

People would never have made an issue of slavery in the first place.
And there never would have been adopted all the principles of the Left that go directly against the laws of Moses.

[ The fact that a lot of Americans are Christians is not the issue. Just because people are Christian does not make the commandments null. No Christians held that way until recently.
Rather there was a distinction made between ritual law and natural law that was stated by Saadia Gaon and Aquinas. From the Pilgrims down until around 1920 the USA was going with biblical principles. \

[I might add here that Russia already knows about the insanity of Marxism. It would be nice if there would be some kind of alliance between Russia and the USA. ]