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Authentic Torah is what one gets in the path of the Gra

Authentic Torah is what one gets in the path of the Gra [Eliyahu Gaon of Villna]. This path became the basis of the Litvak Yeshiva world. But there are  areas where the Gra is ignored even there. The reason is that people tend to put feelings above thinking. So when they ignore reason because of feelings  this leads to losing real Torah. This is how the religious world today is mainly going with the Torah of the Sitra Achra. [Dark Side].
What I recommend is to stick with the path of the Gra as closely as possible. To get back to authentic Torah.
Now in the path of the Gra there are two aspects. One is fast learning and the other is in depth. This is thankfully in fact a regular part of every Litvak yeshiva. The morning hours for in-depth learning and the afternoon for fast learning. Fast learning means to get through the basic set of the Oral Torah at least once. That is the two Talmuds, and the halachic and agadic midrashim. [Sifrai, sifra, mechilta are the halachic midrashim. Midrash Raba, and Midrash Tanchuma are the midrash agada.]

The Gra also emphasized the [seven wisdoms] as the criteria for understanding Torah, That is the natural sciences. Not the pseudo sciences taught in American universities. Psychology is an example of pseudo science. Social studies are are not even that. The humanities and social studies are both pure garbage. And produce pure garbage]