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Natural man is a primate. A smart primate.

It is somewhat disconcerting to see that Thomas Jefferson had tremendous faith in the common man. And the inherent goodness of the common man. As many people in WASP [White Anglo Saxon Protestant] societies did, they thought that goodness that was grafted onto natural man is inherent. [Stuart Mill made the same mistake.]
Thousand of years of society believing in the Law of Moses, made Western Civilization. Not natural man. Natural man is a primate. A smart primate. Good at using his intelligence to get what he wants. Instrumental reason, not moral reason.

But when it came to the issue of people attacking the USA, he was unequivocal. Exterminate them. So he was no dreamer in the clouds. If people want peace,-- well that is one thing. But people that want war, he was clear what to do about it.
This is a good lesson for today. There are people that want to bring down the USA. Thomas Jefferson would have not doubts about what to do with them.   [The issue came up when settlements on the borders of the USA in it smaller extent then were being systematically attacked.]