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Fourth of July

To celebrate the Fourth of July I think people ought to start a learning session in the Federalist Papers and get through them --word for word. I do not mean to get through them all on the 4th, but rather to start a daily session of one or more pages. This explains a lot of what the Constitution of the USA is about. And the wisdom there does not just apply to the USA but to all people that want to be free. Not free as in anarchy but free as in a peaceful law abiding country which maximizes freedom.

In defense of Hegel I want to say that I think he was looking for a synthesis between freedom and law after he saw the horrors that the French Revolution produced.

So it not that he was simply a "statist". And even if he was so what. His point was to show how truth logos gets revealed through a process of dialectics.  And that that process shows that any concept has some elements of self contradiction until it come to a higher level. And that by that process of getting to teh higher level one can go higher and higher until one reaches Absolute Spirit. It is a thoroughly Neo Platonic approach.