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The straight pure essence of Torah that becomes revealed through the Gra

To follow the path of the Gra is the only way to get in contact with the essential essence of Torah.
I have no idea why this but I have seen this. It seems to be like playing the violin or repairing shoes. Learning Torah needs a teacher. So it is not just a matter of learning the Hidushei HaRambam of Rav Haim of Brisk or the Avi Ezri of Rav Shach. It does seem to require the atmosphere of  Litvak yeshiva. But what happens when you are not exactly accepted in such a group? After all, Litvak yeshivas are highly selective.
I have no idea about what to do in such a situation, but I simply mean to raise the issue which comes up more often than is known. [And I agree they are right to be selective. But that does not help to know what to do for those that are outside. What I imagine is even if one does no merit to learn, at least to hold onto truth of the straight pure essence of Torah that becomes revealed through the Gra.]

[The best idea that I can see is to try to get through the Avi Ezri and Hidushei HaRambam at least ("derek girsa") saying the words and going on.]