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One session of leaning : learn as fast as possible--that is to say the words in order with no review until the end of the book. A different session should be in depth with review of each paragraph ten times.]

  I wanted to mention Rav Nahman  said to learn as fast as possible--that is to say the words in order with no review until the end of the book and then review. This method I have found helpful in all branches of learning. The Oral and Written Law.  [One session of learning should be this fast type. A different session should be in depth with review of each paragraph ten times.]
  His advice applies just as well to Physics and Math. That is based on my idea that these are just as much as a part of Torah learning based on my understanding of the Rambam and Ibn Pakuda. [The first time I became aware of this was in fact learning the Musar book of Benjamin the Doctor, Maalat HaMidot where he discusses the greatness of learning Torah and in another different section he discuses the greatness of learning Wisdom. Having  two separate chapters means that he understood that these are not the same thing.]