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In the world of Lithuanian Yeshivas, learning Physics and Math were not high priorities --at least when I was there. On one hand I can understand this because in fact it takes a long time and a lot of effort to gain any kind of understanding of Gemara. So you really do not want distractions.

On the other hand at some point I noticed that Physics and Metaphysics were considered part of the Gemara by the Rambam. Also Ibn Pakuda [the author of the Obligations of the Heart].

[In the Obligations of the hearts you see this in perek 3 of behina where he says to learn the wisdom in side of creation and also  the spiritually inside of creation. Clearly two different things. The Metaphysics part you see right on the first page where he talks about the wisdom the Arabs call Metaphysics. So he is not talking about something differen than the Rambam.

[Still I admit this is not universal among rishonim. Some take a dim view of Aristotle.]

But in terms of Post Aristotle Philosophy what would the Rambam and Ibn Pakuda hold by?

My own feeling about this issue is that Kant and Hegel would be thought to be legitimate continuations of Metaphysics just as i think modern day Physics would be a legitimate continuation of what the Rambam is calling "Physics".