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the difference between the holy and the fake is hardest of all.

The problem with the Sitra Achra [the Dark Side] is not well defined. The reason is that every area of value has an equal and opposite area of value that looks in externals to be the same thing.

It takes a kind of special talent in any given area to be able to tell the real thing from the fake.
That is the reason the Sitra Achra has taken over the Jewish Religious world. The warnings of the Gra and Rav Shach went unheeded.

It is perhaps possible to learn to exercise caution by learning from other areas of value where the difference between right and wrong reasoning can be more clear.

The main trouble seems to be this. If u take areas of value to start with pure form with no content [logic] and work up towards content with little or no form, the difference between the real thing and the fake becomes increasingly difficult to tell.

As it is said about talent: It takes a genius or at least a lot of talent to recognize a genius.

So with Formal Logic where the statements can stand for anything, what determines the  right answer is  only the form. But Math is not reducible to logic. It has more content but less form. The right and wrong can not be reduced to pure form. [Godel] So it is harder to tell a true proof from a false one.

Then you get into areas with more content  like the physical sciences and it gets harder to tell.
Then in music, art , human affairs and justice which are more content and less form the real test of quality is harder. The rules are no longer clear.
Then when you get into areas of holiness, the difference between the holy and the fake is hardest of all.