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You don't always belong where you think you belong.

A priest in the Temple in Jerusalem has certain jobs that only a priest can do. A Levi has other kinds of jobs that only a Levi is allowed to do,  E.g. singing, playing instruments, opening the gates, etc.

A priest who does the job of  Levi is subject to a debate on what the punishment is. Death by Heaven or only a regular לאו prohibition.
But a Levi who does the job of a priest there is no doubt. The punishment is death by heaven.

[הלכות כלי המקדש ג:י] To Abyee even a levi who helps another levi is also punished with death from heaven.

From this it is possible to learn that often a person has  a certain place in the world and a certain kind of work that only he should do. It can happen for example that a person loves learning Torah --as all people ought. Still he might not really find his place in the Mir in NY or Ponoviz in Israel. Everyone has their own place that they need to find.

Sometimes a person's place is in the IDF. sometimes it is in Ponoviz or the Mir. You don't always belong where you think you belong.
The American Indians had something called a "vision quest" where one goes out to find their real place in the world.