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Mud sharking

Mud sharking is what is called on the internet black male and white female

The name comes from the fact of the mud sharks hanging around in the mud at the bottom of the sea.

It does remind me of the importance of genes and DNA.

What I recommend is you should try to find a Litvak shiduch, Religious Zionist also. Not the cult that the Gra signed the  excommunication on. 
If I have time I would like to collect some thoughts and ideas on this. I have seen enough disasters when it comes to shiduchim with individuals with bad DNA. It is as if stupidity and viciousness go hand in hand.

Even not black and white or the cult that the Gra signed the  excommunication on which are all defective. Even among white and white {Ukraine with Tartar-which are white I have seen that the damaged DNA criminal heritage gets passed on. That is some Ukrainian women I have seen are not careful about this. One very nice woman married a tartar and as expected the children are a combination of insane and criminal. I am sure she though she was getting a good guy because, in fact her husband is a pretty decent fellow. But the bad genes came from potential into reality in their deranged children. Another fellow married a gypsy--not knowing she was a gypsy because there also her skin was white. As expected the children are criminals. You can't outsmart biology. There are so many examples of this in front of my eyes, but because of being from the USA I choose to ignore this. But if you think about it you can see the effects of ruining ones DNA with some bad mixture.

Don't ruin your DNA with by joining it with someone who has damaged DNA.