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 Kant and Hegel are complementary and not in opposition.  I mean if we take the schemata of Kant which are clearly the thing that combines the pure concept with the intuition, it seems like we have a kind of synthesis that would look very familiar from the  standpoint of Hegel. Similar but not the same. For Hegel you have see some kind of conflict in the concept itself and then to find some synthesis. Still it is tantalizing to consider how close Kant and Hegel might really be.
And this one small kernel might have further implications. For example the focus and center of weight of morals to Kant is the individual. To Hegel it the larger group. When you consider the idea of Ontological undecidability where the center of mass is neither the subject nor the object it seems this would apply here also with there being a ground of morals that is not in the individual nor the super-organism.

The way to go about this to make  synthesis is by Dr Kelly Ross.
The thing he noticed is that after space has become something it still needs space to exist in. negative transcendence. [That is we know space is something. Not just because of Einstein but also the Bohm Effect ] Dr Ross build from there is eight modes of necessity. In any case what I would like to do is to see  how Hegel could fit with this.