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The cult that the Gra signed the excommunication on always lie about everything,- especially Torah. They use true things to promote lies. They mix a little truth with the lies so it all sounds plausible.

.The cult that the Gra signed the  excommunication on
The reason they lie about everything is because they are schizo personality types  and their leaders have Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. hyper-graphia, hatred of sex, obsessive compulsion disorders, and are malicious. That is they intend to do harm. But they get the appearance of ‘doing good.’This  has a seductive appeal because it gives the ‘moral high ground.’ This moral high ground is then exploited to shame and barrage anyone who disagrees into oblivion
I do not think one should have a rav because they do not teach Torah. The Mishna (that one should have a rav) was referring to a rav at the time of the Mishna when there was ordination from Sinai. And furthermore there are further problems with ravs nowadays. I am not sure how to explain what is the problem but these are well known. Everyone besides themselves knows that everything they say has some agenda. You can't trust them to tell you what the Torah says
They think they are doing a favor for Reb Nachman by worshiping him
Reb Natan his disciple was a classical case of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. Obsession with hared of sex, hyper-graphia. Obsession with religion. In any case, there was one person that was asked how he managed to stay married for a long time, when nowadays that is uncommon. He answered,I made sure my wife never talked with any religious teacher. Religious teachers today are extremely dangerous when it comes to keeping ones family together and to raise a healthy, wholesome family. I have been around the block enough times to know this in my own experience and many many other people's. Especially the cult that the Gra signed the  excommunication on . You think to gain something by their blessing? It is all an illusion only to vanish after some time
The closest you can get to the idea of a real rav is if there is a person that is actively teaching Talmud daily in a Litvak yeshiva. That kind of rav is OK. The cult that the Gra signed the  excommunication on are bad people and we need to take back the Torah. The real, Torah. Religious teachers are as corrupt and crooked as a snakes, but much more dangerous. Because when one follows them he or she think he or she is doing a mitzvah. It is true that a mishna in Pirkei Avot can be used in a false way to support this conspiracy to divert Judaism into a cult of worship of the great leader. All one needs to do is get together with a few other criminals  and agree to start giving each other ordination. Then you have a mishna that tells everyone that they have to listen to a rav about all important matters in life. Even if none of these people know anything about Torah, they still get the immense authority given by this mishna over everyoneAuthentic ordination ended in the middle of the age of the amoraim (sages of the Talmud).] So the only people that get the title are only those that do not know the Torah even at the most minimal level, or are false and devious enough to know the fact and yet ignore them.Temporal lobe epilepsy is an important model of behavioral change that accounts for the overarching  increased religious interests, hypergraphia (obsesive need to write), increased moral and philosophical concerns,  and lack of humor. Hate of sexuality. Norman Geschwind. Many of Geschwind’s observations and formulations regarding this topic were highly developed in 1974, reflecting his long-standing interest in behavioral changes in epilepsy
Appendix bout Halacha. Halacha.  It is hard to give a good idea of what Halacha is. Clearly the first problem is the charlatans that claim to know it. But even if we could clear away all the trash it still is hard to get to Halacha because it has to come from the Gemara. Without knowing from where it comes inside the Gemara itself there is no halacha that comes out right. Context is everything. The way I approached Shabat was to learn masechta itself with Rashi, Tosphot, Maharasha. And besides that I had a learning partner with whom I did the Gemara, Rif, Rosh and the Shiltei Giborim on the Rif and the Tur Beit Yoseph. To my way of thinking this is the only way to do Halacha. And I am not alone in this opinion. The Maharshal wrote that it is better to poskin from the Gemara itself rather than any compilation of halacha even if one get the halacha wrong. And he wrote that specifically on the Rambam. The Maharsha wrote in a similar vein about those that poskin from the Shulchan Aruch (The large Shulchan Aruch with all the commentaries) even with knowledge of the commentaries. He wrote that it is proper to rebuke them and they are causing many people to sin. The disciple of the Gra, Reb Chaim from Voloshin wrote a response disagreeing with a pesak of some famous religious teacher and added "We only go by the law of the Gemara.There are no shortcuts to Halacha. No one has a right to an opinion in Halachah unless they have done the work. Everyone has the right to an opinion but no one has the right to an uninformed opinion.

If you want to have an opinion in the Laws of Shabat, then go through tractate Shabat with Rashi Tosphot Mahrasha Maharam from Lublin and the the Rif, Rosh, Tur, Beit Yoseph from start to finish. Every last word. Ah you say you don't have time? Then cancel your TV programs and make time. You don't have the right to an uninformed opinion

talmud ideas

Ideas in Tractate Bava Metzia 

Ideas in Shas I have to say that a good deal of credit goes to my learning partner for these two books. He asked that his name not be mentioned publicly.. But it is not just his ideas that I mention but also the motivation for writing. The most rigorous type of learning Talmud I saw in NY in Shar Yashuv and the Mir and had almost forgotten about this kind of learning until I encountered it again in my learning partner.
Seeing that most people do not even know this kind of learning exists I decided to write these two books showing how it is done.
[Not that I am so great at this. I learned from people that know how to learn a  million times better than me.]

Where is the path of Torah? 


learn word by word

One way I have found helpful in learning is to learn word by word as I have mentioned. But sometimes after I have finished a book and am in the process of review I find it helpful to hold my place with a place marker. Then the next day to go back over the previous page and then to go further after that.

I love to learn Torah

There was a process that I used when there was a very limited amount of material that I absolutely had to understand then and there,- and there was not time for my usual relaxed way of learning of saying, "When I come around the whole book the second time I will get it."
That is;- I would say every paragraph forwards and backwards. I based this on Yehuda, a mediaeval mystic, and the Ari (Isaac Luria) and Moshe Chaim Lutzatto. In all of their books I found some hint to this kind of idea.

I hesitate to mention this idea because it might be that some people do not need it, and others it might not work so well for.  Still for myself I have found it effective in some cases.

I used this saying the paragraph forwards and backwards when I was Polytechnic Institute of NYU. Without it I could not have succeeded. The reason is I needed to pass exams. The fast method of learning that I use t give me an overview of  a subject simply did not could not have given me the understanding I needed to pass those exams.
But that was because I was doing a very limited amount of material.
So in short what i recommend is two sessions for every subject. A fast session in which you read the words as fast as possible and do not think at all whether you understand or not. The other is this approach of saying every paragraph forwards and backwards. And even many times util you get it.

The first time I saw the idea of learning fast was in a secular context. Speed reading. But the idea did not include saying the words. In the Jewish context I saw this in a Musar book the Ways of the Righteous.

If people would learn in Litvak yeshivas they would already know this. The regular way of any Litvak Yeshiva is slow and in depth learning in the morning and fast in the afternoon.

the cult that the Gra signed the excommunication on

The problem I see with cults [Hindu, the cult that the Gra signed the  excommunication on, etc.] is that the leader can absorb people into his archetype.
Especially in the West. This is because the West has been emptied of meaning by David Hume and the British  Empiricists. That is if one holds by Nominalism and or empiricism the world has been emptied of meaning. This is what gives secular society the empty feelings that people feel but can not express. Thus youth are prey for archetypes that can absorb their energies and spit them out.

I can not go into all the details, here but you can easily on your own find examples of this type of thing and even see it in your own lives when you saw someone get involved in some cult.

Cults are the reincarnation of the ancient idols. Joining a cult one becomes a servant to some archetype. This at least gives me an idea of why the Gra saw fit to put the entire movement  into excommunication. Not just that he saw it as kelipat noga, but rather that he singled it out as the most destructive force coming into the world at the time that would result in other cults like communism and other assorted idolatries.

Learning Musar [Ethics] has made me a better person.

Learning Musar [Ethics] has made me a better person. There was an implicit message in the Ethics movement of Reb Israel Salanter;.

It was not that it is good idea to learn Musar [Mediaeval Ethics]. That was not news. The unstated message was that Fear of God is contained in the classical Musar book.
I do not think anyone ever expressed the idea in that way but it seems to me after I spent time reading the books of his disciples that this is what they were thinking.
That means they were thinking like this: If you want fear of God, then go through the entire set of Musar from beginning to end. That is a good deal of reading.

Why this is interesting is this. The more one fears God they he fears people or anything else. Nor does he have any reason to fear anything else. People I noticed can have fears that they are not happy with. Sometimes they know their fears are irrational. Other times they do have something real to be afraid of. Sometimes they can not tell the difference. It seems to me the best way to deal with this is to learn Musar.

generation gap

generation gap

How does a culture unwittingly sow the seeds of inter-generational mistrust? When does youth begin to suspect that adult camaraderie may be deeply flawed? Revolutions begin in the younger generation, rather than the seasoned adults. Something in the cultural soil goes bad.

One variety of these seeds of mistrust and reveals that they usually begin to sprout informally, even playfully, in arenas like the Beit Midrash or Synagogue   where young men mixed as freely with adult men. The young are always watching and wondering what makes adults tick. Their natural inclination to imitate the ways of adults is a deep source of cultural stability because it tends to ensure that what an adult does today will be emulated by a youth tomorrow.

I have had people ask me questions in Halacha because they knew they could not get an honest answer anywhere else. Everyone seems to have an agenda. Halacha means what they want it to mean.

The hard thing about halacha is that one needs to know the source before he can understand it at all. But in essence that simply means to sit and learn Gemara like Lithuanian Yeshivas do anyway.

The issue is not adults verses teens. It is young married adults that still need guidance for older people. They need to know whom they can trust.
This is hard to know. Usually you need to know a subject really well to be able to tell who else knows it really well.

I any case for the sake of the record there were people I knew that really did know Torah well. mainly they were in NY. Some are today Roshei Yeshiva in the Mir and Chaim Berlin. Rav Nelkenbaum in the Mir. Shelomo Haliua in Chaim Berlin. Shimon Buso in Netivot in Israel. Clearly Rav Elezar Menachem Shach was the greatest Torah scholar of the last generation.


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