Getting married was an important aspect of yeshiva. It was not really spoken about but it was a powerful undercurrent.
The idea was to be a good yeshiva bachur (student) and you will get a good shiduch. This did not exactly work in my case. After all shiduchim and marriage are not accessible to human intervention. Once you are dealing with the realm of holiness and bringing good children into the world, human reason does not really apply. Still the basic structure was in place to have stable and good families.
Some yeshivas were known to be 90% about shiduchim and 10% about learning Torah like Lakewood. NY yeshivas were the opposite. They were almost totally about Torah and very little about shiduchim. Shar Yashuv was about half and half. [Shar Yashuv had a sister institution run by the wife of Reb Freifeld which provided the fuel for this arrangement.]
But this really did not apply to divorced people. After a divorce one's social status dropped like lead.
Marriage no longer has the meaning that it used to have. Even in the yeshiva world. You might have expected the world of yeshivas to be like a Noah;s Ark against the tidal waves of feminism and other perversions.
The best I can suggest is: Trust in God-learn Torah. Though yeshivas are no longer bastions of faith and Torah, still one one own one can try to do his best.
1) The way I learned about trust in God with out any efforts on my part was by a book מדרגת האדם that was in the Musar section of the Mir Yeshiva in NY. Before that I had not heard of such a concept and I certainly did not have that kind of trust myself. When I joined the "Yeshiva World" I was simply saying whatever they do that is what I will do. They can't all be starving.
2) I did not know then that the religious teachers are bad. Now I know. And even then if I had known that the religious teachers are evil it still would not have stopped me. I still would say just like I do now that they are frauds and do not keep the holy Torah. The way I was then was that nothing was going to stop me from the Torah. Nothing.
3) Now I realize trust in God is an essential part of this whole learning Torah project. What I therefore suggest is to create what you could call Navardok yeshivas. That is places that have all the basic characteristics of a regular Litvak [Lithuanian] yeshiva but add an emphasis on trust [Bitachon].
4) Some places are devoted to money. They talk about trust but really mean to to get the money of secular rich Jews. Others claim that the Torah is a legitimate business. They think learning Torah for pay is kosher. These places are evil. They prey off the naivety of simple Jews.
5) The מדרגת האדם the book that I mentioned above is about trust has some section that are against learning natural sciences. He puts all secular subjects into one big category. I can't agree with this.
The idea was to be a good yeshiva bachur (student) and you will get a good shiduch. This did not exactly work in my case. After all shiduchim and marriage are not accessible to human intervention. Once you are dealing with the realm of holiness and bringing good children into the world, human reason does not really apply. Still the basic structure was in place to have stable and good families.
Some yeshivas were known to be 90% about shiduchim and 10% about learning Torah like Lakewood. NY yeshivas were the opposite. They were almost totally about Torah and very little about shiduchim. Shar Yashuv was about half and half. [Shar Yashuv had a sister institution run by the wife of Reb Freifeld which provided the fuel for this arrangement.]
But this really did not apply to divorced people. After a divorce one's social status dropped like lead.
Marriage no longer has the meaning that it used to have. Even in the yeshiva world. You might have expected the world of yeshivas to be like a Noah;s Ark against the tidal waves of feminism and other perversions.
The best I can suggest is: Trust in God-learn Torah. Though yeshivas are no longer bastions of faith and Torah, still one one own one can try to do his best.
1) The way I learned about trust in God with out any efforts on my part was by a book מדרגת האדם that was in the Musar section of the Mir Yeshiva in NY. Before that I had not heard of such a concept and I certainly did not have that kind of trust myself. When I joined the "Yeshiva World" I was simply saying whatever they do that is what I will do. They can't all be starving.
2) I did not know then that the religious teachers are bad. Now I know. And even then if I had known that the religious teachers are evil it still would not have stopped me. I still would say just like I do now that they are frauds and do not keep the holy Torah. The way I was then was that nothing was going to stop me from the Torah. Nothing.
3) Now I realize trust in God is an essential part of this whole learning Torah project. What I therefore suggest is to create what you could call Navardok yeshivas. That is places that have all the basic characteristics of a regular Litvak [Lithuanian] yeshiva but add an emphasis on trust [Bitachon].
4) Some places are devoted to money. They talk about trust but really mean to to get the money of secular rich Jews. Others claim that the Torah is a legitimate business. They think learning Torah for pay is kosher. These places are evil. They prey off the naivety of simple Jews.
5) The מדרגת האדם the book that I mentioned above is about trust has some section that are against learning natural sciences. He puts all secular subjects into one big category. I can't agree with this.
My approach was this. Regardless of who convinced her to try to turn me into a slave I decided freedom was better than slavery. She wanted to go on strike, I simply found a peachy strike breaker.
[This opinion can be supported from the example of Calev ben Yefuna. People know this person mainly as the friend of Joshua (that the Bible testifies about that he was a total tzadik). Few learn the Books of Chronicles where the list of his girl friends is given. I figure what is good enough for Calev ben Yefuna is good enough for me. See the Gra on Shulchan Aruch Even Ezer who brings this example.)