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One flaw in John Locke and the Declaration of Independence is the assumption that all men are created equal. This is a fiction. Just like in animal species, there is a divergence into different species, so the human species is diverging into separate species. And we know that the Constitution of the USA was never meant to work for  vastly different kinds of groups as the Founding Fathers said openly. It was meant mainly for a homogenous group of people: White Anglo Saxon Protestants. Other groups with a different kind of value system might need a different kind of government. One example is the former Soviet Union, even though it was founded on a flawed system of economics, still the brutality of the later czars gave people the idea that a system that favored working people [the proletariat ]  would be better that being slaves to the parasitic nobles and aristocracy.  And when the system failed, many people felt that they had fallen into chaos, not a liberal free democracy. For there to be any safety to walk on the street, there had to be unofficial war lords in charge of each area of a city in order to preserve peace and order.